Saturday 18 October 2014

Some intriguing photography by Phillip Englhorn, an American photographer based in China. The photographs are predominately of women going swimming in the north of China. Evidently the head and body gear is to avoid being stung by giant jellyfish. It seems like they have taken dressing up to a whole new level. You can see more at

Thursday 25 September 2014

Ashley Whitt

A really interesting set of images by Ashley Whitt. The series is called The Haunted Mind. Ashley describes the work as. "..... a body of work that addresses themes of duality, anxiety, and mortality. When my mother passed away five years ago, I became consumed by depression and anxiety. These images are visual representations of the fears and anxieties that exist within myself." You ccan find more examples of her work at

Thursday 21 August 2014

Heidi Kirkpatrick

Some really good photography by Heidi Kirkpatrick. The images are related to Heidi's family and there lives and deaths. It's a really good example of a concept that has been been made in a really thoughtful and creative way; using all the skill she has acquired. There are some really good combinations of technique and imagery. You can see mare at

Sunday 20 July 2014

Hossein Fatemi

A knockout set of photographs by Hossein Fatemi. A really good idea well produced. See more at

Sunday 6 July 2014

Stanley Greene

A great set of photographs from Stanley Greene entitled (Never Quiet) on the Western Front, showing two things. Firstly take photographs all the time, don't stop to worry. Secondly Black & White is not all about arty landscapes or proper 'Photographs'. See more at Actually there is one last thing which is that these don't have to be in Black & White, they would be just as interesting in colour. In the end they are just good photographs.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Diana Markozashvili

I found these really deep images by Diana Markozashvili on lens culture.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Helen Sear

Throughout her career Helen Sear has worked on ideas and notions of obscuring the view, her series 'beyond the view' is a good example , deconstructing images and re configuring them into new forms of images. It seems to me that she works within the same kind of practice as a fine artist does making, viewing, changing, adapting etc an image is 'made' rather than being there in the first place. This is from a 2011 series entitled Sightlines and you can see more at